All I Want for Christmas is to Give
We all have grown accustomed to it. Some on receiving moreso than giving. I know of those breed who just wait and pretend to be kids, ridding themselves of the grown-up's burden to give not even in the spirit of the Christmas Season. Some give because they want to give. Some take this time of year as an opportunity to rid themselves of white elephants, making their homes less cluttered of redundant stuff.
Some part with gifts with a kind of theme in mind. I did so two years ago with officemates. I gave them all toys: girls with small dolls that breathe sweet scents when their cutesy heads are squeezed and boys with Scooby-Doo or Shrek soft toys. Reason being, it might have been long ago when they last opened up a gift and got a toy. I told them I wanted to take them back to the forgotten times when our needs were simple and toys gave us joy. The year before that, I gave dream catchers. I got one for my birthday that year and it has improved my sleeping aetherscape with pleasant and forgettable dreams in place of recurring and irrepressible nightmares. One recipient of the gift, though, hung it by the window of her office to maybe rid her window of bad dreams. Her window! Whatever the reason was, and I pray it is not of lame stupidity or cluelessness, I think I shall never ever know as I have made a resolve to not even care or give a shit.
Some take the giving a notch higher by really thinking about what to give with the particular recipient in mind. It takes more time and effort to consumate. Careful planning and execution is key. Kudos to them who may only give the ladies bracelets but in the process took them hours to look for those kinds that are intricately made and whose likeness are actually wearable.
Good thing I've no nieces nor nephews nor godchildren yet. I had a hard time looking for a gift for a newborn last time. Took a look at toys and ended up bookmarking ones I wanted for myself. I ended up getting her crib stuff that I think are more appropriate. Then there was this good friend's nephew who I remembered would want anything dinosaur-related so I got him a robotic raptor whose bigger version I'd also want for myself.
It's not so much on receiving, for me. Really. Honestly. It's hearing shrieks of delight and seeing a different glow in the eyes of those dear to me that makes me not care so much on the cost of giving. Getting something back, that would only be an unexpected and welcomed bonus. The unconditional friendship and love I get from friends and family would have already lasted me a lifetime anyway. Add to that, the gift of life to continue on experiencing joy, triumph, passion, and success.
On that note, as the season had already passed, I'd like to wish one and all better success with the next and coming years.
Happy New Year, everyone!
this is such a cheesy entry.
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