Bench and the Hearing Impaired
Me: Saan banda rito mga dress socks nyo, miss?
Lady: (gestures to her ID badge that read: "I'M DEAF")

This afternoon, I went inside one of their stores looking for socks. Mine's all soiled and I need fresh ones to last me until Wednesday, the day I get my clothes from the cleaners. I approached one unsuspecting sales person and asked where I could find them. The lady, about 5'2 in height, shoulder-length hair, charming and pretty, clean-looking and pleasant, was everything a helpful sales person ordinarily may look like. She then aimiably pointed at the ID hanging from her neck that read, "I'm Deaf." Without hesitation, I transferred all the articles I'm holding with my right hand to my left and lifted my jeans and pointed at the ankle socks underneath my Chucks. She nodded and guided me through the maze of shelves and racks until we came to the sock-section. I mouthed a heartfelt Thank you to which I got a smile in return before she shuffled her feet to go back to her post.
As I was paying for my purchases, I still can't get over that fact that Bench was considerate enough to have physically challenged people in their payroll. I wish other stores would follow suit. It gives the company character and warrants a whole different level of respect from their customers.
Admiration aside, I bet I can never live without some of Bench's stuff and never had I been inconvenienced in any of their stores. If only they could take out their glaring names from most of their clothes. It's a bit of a turn off sometimes. Quality and design-wise, their products are almost always already above par.
Ain't that sweet? That's what I call equal opportunity employment. But say the lady wasn't as charming as you depicted her to be, you think she'd get considered for the job?
She won't do as well as staff who could actually hear. That's based on speed of the delivery of service alone. As with most jobs that entail customer service, looks matter. Syempre.
That's nice... They're giving jobs to the impaired, and it's doing a lot to their image. I certainly hope it's not a publicity stunt.
Pure intentions are quite rare in this reality, anyway, so I say hire away be it for show and publicity. Besides, they don't advertise of this particular deed.
Grat blog you have here. Good work!
Would love to do a link exchange:
Thank you, and more power!
--Nostalgia Manila
And I thought nobody heads over for that music nook via searches. I was meaning to take it down several times already to replace em with something else. I think I'll leave it alone much longer. Thanks for droppin a note and sharing the Honda bit.
The non-disabled community should be pissed now!!! Those one-legged freaks are taking our jobs away!
Not my job, man. And that's "physically challenged" to you.
Need something on hearing impaired people to make you laugh-read SWAP by Sam Moffie.
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