In choosing my demise
A friend is currently working in Batangas. He lives in Quezon City. He spends six hours a day traveling to and from work. That's six valuable hours of his prime, waking life. That's 1872 hours a year, about 78 days on the road out of 365. That's 21% of the entire year with your ass glued on a vehicle.
It has been told that smoking cigarettes can shorten your lifespan by about 3 minutes for every stick you consume. If say I had been smoking an average of 10 sticks a day, I'd have shortened my life to about 30 minutes a day. If I were to choose how to waste my life based on these statistical assumptions, it most probably won't be having my bum stuck on a bus seat.
I'm still lucky to be smoking and living close to work.
Labels: Vertigo
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