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Sunday, April 23, 2006

An experience at the iBlog 2 Summit

I had the great opportunity of attending the second iBlog Summit, held last Tuesday at the UP College of Law in UP Diliman. While there, I got to meet fellow Man-Blog editors and other bloggers comprising the Philippine blogosphere.

After the key-note speeches and introductions, I sat down on the Political Blogging Panel, giving up the Personal Blogging group, mainly because the latter had "blogging for mere mortals" as its first topic. I'm no mere mortal. And there goes my god-complex for the whole world to see.

The attendees had been served with insights of Manuel L. Quezon III on "blogs and the battle for ideas: personalities and issues" and Davao City Councilor Peter LaviƱa on "blogging and participatory governance" which lasted until about 1:30 P.M. The presentations were both informative and engaging. So engaging in fact that the Q&A portion had been cut short to accommodate only a few of the inquiries from the floor.

Then it happened.

One participant raised a hand to supposedly give MLQ a commendation on his talk and eventually ended up having for himself ample air-time to share his own insights on what ideas are, how it is larger than the blogger, all the while unleashing the most heart-felt impromptu speeches I ever lent my ears to in a long while. It lasted more than it should have, in my opinion. While the speech-cum-question-cum-reaction was being delivered, I could only stare at the floor, trying very hard not to mind my noisy stomach in its empty-except-for-a-cup-of-coffee state. I mean to give the participant I'm referring to no offense but that speech was uncalled for in the following respect:

  • It did not directly refer to any of the presenter's points as discussed;
  • This happended at the Q&A portion and, while the participant excused himself via a brief intro on what he was about to say and do, it looped trying to drive home a key insight in the minds of the other participants;
  • As the previous point may have been a valid excuse for sharing an idea, the fact that the panel ate its way through lunch time and I was particularly famished rendered his intrusion (for lack of a better word) more of a nuisance than welcomed.
I have not had the privilege to know the identity of the blogger and I am really very sorry for not being able to link nor react on his blog. It would have been nice had that portion been shared in a more appropriate avenue, like in an open forum, for instance.

It might just be that I'm hungry, that my head is reeling with the insights and information from the two speakers, that it was Q&A-time instead of sharing-a-lengthy-idea time, or that I felt it was uncalled for to most of the participants who's minds were pre-programmed to listen to only two speakers during this particular break-out session.

I am not speaking for anyone else on this insight. I just felt like sharing what was going on in my mind at that time. After all, I consider this an appropriate venue for expressing my thoughts.


At April 23, 2006, Blogger Janette Toral said...

Hello Fritz. Thank you for sharing your feedback and for supporting iBlog2. We hope to avoid such scenario that you described for iBlog3.

At April 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday greeting!

Anyway, what happened sucked. You should've tackled him from behind. Will be there for iBlog3 toprevent those things from happeneing. ('coz I'll be hogging the mic)

At April 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


the name of that'idea' guy is Dean Jorge Bocob/Rizalist and his blogsite is: http://philippinecommentary.blogspot.com/


At April 24, 2006, Blogger Fritz said...

Thanks to you both. I could empathize on how cumbersome it is to organize events which is why I have vowed to not be in an organizing committee. Ever. There should hopefully be an iBlog3.

Thanks for the heads up, gari.

At April 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At April 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


just being a devil advocate, you can choose to delete mike's post if you really wished. hehehe.

how to define hotness? tuwing summer lang ba lumalabas ang ganyang konsepto? lols.


At April 30, 2006, Blogger Fritz said...

Nah. Him being a pseudo-internet celebrity and aving hot chicks chasing him all from over the place makes his post sort of un-delete-able. He has earned that right.

And yes. I was sweating like a pig having hailed from Makati all the way to QC. That must have made me really look hot in a may-I-offer-you-a-towel-to-help-you-with-your-perspiration-or-would-you-rather-I-drive-you-to-a-hotel-so-you-could-at-least-take-a-shower-coz-you-stink-like-hell-and-you-cleaning-up-would-do-us-all-a-really-great-big-favor sort or way.

At April 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


and to top it all...
you might say 'mama, i feel hot'
and your mama would say: that's
because you're wearing an orange shirt.



At May 01, 2006, Blogger Fritz said...

Man, orange are for wussies! Black is a more appropriate irony.

At May 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh well.
I sense you are
not a believer of
that tag:
'tough guy wears
orange, pink and blue'.




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